Lots of information on schools and education in general.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Election and Education

While we’ve already had five different posts about the Democratic debate the other day, bear with us one more time to revisit it to pick out a little talked about issue (at least in the debates): education. There was only one question about education in the debate and it dealt with the No Child Left Behind Act.
There is a summary of the candidates positions on education in our forums, but that was about as in depth as we have gone. Furthermore more there is little else on the web about the economical impacts of legislation dealing with education. So forgive me if this seems more like a report than a blog post, but this should help everyone better understand education-based legislation and its impacts.
The main topic of discussion dealing with education, at least with the Presidential Candidates is the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). For those of you who aren’t familiar with this legislation we’ll give a brief overview, everyone else can skip ahead a bit.

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